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Alive! Sixty Days Under The Snow

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
امتیاز: ۱٫۰/۱۰
(۱ تعداد آرا)

Discovery Channel – Alive! Sixty Days Under The Snow (2012) HDTV XviD-AFG

This is the remarkable story of Peter Skyllberg who defied the weather, biology and human science by surviving for sixty days inside a car buried under a snow drift with apparently nothing more than a few snacks and snow to eat or drink. Skyllberg was eventually rescued by a man on a passing snowmobile and pulled out suffering from hypothermia, starvation and barely able to speak. Now the questions as to his survival have begun.

Language: English
۰۰:۴۳:۴۸ | ۶۴۰×۳۶۰ | XviD – 1030Kbps | 25.000fps | MP3 – 128Kbps | 369MB


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