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مستند ها زبان انگلیسی می باشند مگر اینکه در عنوان یا توضیحات ذکر شده باشد.
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جهت دانلود اکانت VIP تهیه کنید

فوران ایسلند: یک آتشفشان فعال ویژه

VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
امتیاز: ۱۰٫۰/۱۰
(۱ تعداد آرا)

BBC – Iceland Erupts: A Volcano Live Special (2012)

In 2010, the ash cloud from an unpronounceable Icelandic volcano brought Europe to a standstill. In this Volcano Live special, Kate Humble heads for the source of the ash to ask whether we should now be preparing for more of the same. On her journey Kate meets the scientists monitoring the country’s most dangerous volcanoes, and investigates the biggest eruptions in Iceland’s past – including a catastrophic 18th-century event that killed thousands in Iceland and also appears to have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people across Britain and Europe. In 2010, it became clear that Britain is well within the reach of big Icelandic eruptions. To help prepare for the next one, what can we learn from the people who live right alongside them?

English | 00:59:01 | XviD | 720×416 | 25.00fps 1767 Kbps | AC3 192 Kbps 48.0khz | 746MB


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2 دیدگاه “فوران ایسلند: یک آتشفشان فعال ویژه”

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    من این مستند دانلود کردم اما با پسوند ناشناسcom سیو شده چطوری اجراش کنم؟

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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